Why Adults Should Get Braces Too

When you picture somebody wearing braces, the immediate image in your head is probably a pre-teen or teenager. While the majority of people who get orthodontic treatment fall into this age group, braces aren’t just reserved for the younger years. There are plenty of great reasons to consider getting braces or clear aligners as an adult.

Orthodontic Treatment Isn’t Just for Looks

Yes, getting braces will result in your smile looking straighter than ever, but that is far from being the only reason you should get treatment. In fact, your smile can look basically perfect and you could still benefit from having braces. 

Many issues of crookedness are often found in the rear teeth, causing a wide array of possible problems. Crowding, which occurs when your teeth are too close in proximity, can make it easier for food to get stuck in between your teeth and cause decay. Crowding can also cause height differences in your teeth, leading to a disproportionate amount of pressure being applied on the taller teeth. Over time, this pressure can erode the enamel or even cause cracks in your teeth, leaving them more susceptible to infection or chipping. 

Even problems with excess spacing can lead to long-term oral health concerns, along with overbites or underbites. Overall, choosing to get orthodontic treatment is well worth the investment for more than just for looks.

Gain Confidence for All Aspects of Adult Life

Lets face it, navigating your career and social life can be intimidating enough as it is. If you’re not confident with your smile, you’d be surprised how much it may be affecting your confidence in yourself overall. Your smile is a huge part of your first impression, and having a bright, straight smile you are proud of can go a long way in boosting your confidence when you meet potential new bosses, new friends, or people at networking events. Many people getting married also find it worth it to straighten their teeth by getting braces before the big day. 

If you’re worried about the appearance of braces during the course of the treatment, keep in mind that braces don’t look like they did when you were a kid. Plus, you can get invisible treatment options, like ceramic braces and Invisalign, which will help you maintain your confidence during treatment. 

Fix Issues if Your Teeth Shifted

In a perfect world, every patient would wear their retainer exactly the way they are supposed to. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for many people. Retainers either get damaged or lost and patients fail to follow up to get a new one. Or, patients simply give up on wearing their retainer. In any case, your teeth very could have shifted if you stopped wearing your retainer, causing noticeable crookedness and creating potential oral health problems. Luckily, these issues are very easy to fix and can require short treatments with partial braces or accelerated versions of Invisalign like Invisalign Lite or Invisalign Express. 

It’s never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted. To see if adult braces could be right for you, schedule your free consultation at Austin Orthodontics today! 

4 Things You Should Know After Your First Orthodontic Appointment

You’ve spent your whole life without braces until now, so it only makes sense you would feel a little apprehensive about getting orthodontic treatment. You are likely wondering just how you feel with braces, what will be safe to eat, and how to best go about your daily routine with braces. Luckily, these questions will all be answered when you visit us here at Austin Orthodontics, so you’ll be fully prepared to handle life with braces. Here are some important things you will know after your first appointment. 

Food Restrictions

One of the most important aspects of orthodontic treatment to be prepared for is knowing what is okay to eat and what foods could damage your braces. While you won’t have to just stick to applesauce or jello, you’ll want to avoid especially crunchy foods like granola, hard candy, or apples. It’s also best to avoid sticky or chewy foods like taffy or jerky. 

To prepare yourself for a braces-friendly diet, stock up on softer foods and spend a couple weeks figuring out which foods you like best. If you will be using Invisalign, you’ll have no restrictions on the foods you can eat, but you’ll still need to remember to have your aligners out when you eat and to keep up with regular cleaning. 

Cleaning Your Teeth

Speaking of cleaning, you will have to take extra good care of your teeth while you have braces to avoid tooth decay and staining. Since food can easily get trapped between brackets, you should carefully brush your teeth with toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush after each meal. It’s also good to rinse with mouthwash every day to thoroughly clean your teeth. In addition, you will have to be extra careful when flossing, since you will have to maneuver the floss around the brackets and wires. 

Dealing with Initial Discomfort

When you first get your braces, you may experience some discomfort due to them rubbing against the inside of your cheeks or lips. This won’t always be the norm with your braces, but you’ll certainly want ease the discomfort when you start your treatment. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water will help ease the pain in your mouth while also facilitating quick healing. 

It also may be difficult to talk right when you get your braces installed since there is suddenly less space for your lips, teeth, and tongue to interact. This will also go away after a short time as you get used to your braces. 

When You Will Get Your Braces Taken off

One of the biggest questions you will likely have when you start your treatment with braces is just how long you will have to keep your braces in. The answer will vary from person to person, but the most common range to expect is anywhere between 18 months and two years. At Austin Orthodontics, we always give our patients a rough estimate of when they will be done with treatment, while emphasizing the fact that the end date may change based on the way your teeth react to treatment.

While this is some of the most important information to get at your first orthodontic appointment, we love answering all of the questions our patients have. So be sure to ask us whatever you want to know at any time during your treatment.


Invisalign and Ceramic Braces: Invisible Options for Orthodontic Treatment

One of the biggest reasons people choose orthodontic treatment is to improve the appearance of their smile, so it makes sense that people wouldn’t want their smile to become cluttered with metal braces. It used to be the only way to get your desired result was with months, or even years, of having teeth covered in highly visible metal. However, patients have more options than ever due to brilliant innovations in orthodontic treatment options.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces move your teeth using the same set of mechanisms as traditional braces. Ceramic braces feature a series of brackets combined with archwires and elastics. But, instead of using metal for the brackets, ceramic braces are made out of clear medical-grade material, resulting in a more discreet look and a less cluttered smile compared to traditional braces. 

Just like traditional braces, ceramic braces can fix a wide range of orthodontic problems, including major gaps, crowding, or severe crookedness. You can also use interarch bands with these braces to fix underbites or overbites. Since the brackets on these braces are made of a clear material, be extra careful to avoid foods that stain and to keep up with brushing and flossing as much as possible. 


As one of the most significant advances in orthodontics, the Invisalign clear aligner system offers a very different experience from traditional braces, but with the same great results. While Invisalign can’t treat quite as wide of a range of cases as traditional braces, it can still give dramatic results to patients in need of orthodontic adjustments. 

The aligners are made of a sophisticated plastic material, which was actually created just for Invisalign. The system is irritant-free and is totally invisible when worn by any patient. This means you have a smile free from brackets and wires throughout your treatment, allowing you to have confidence and see your progress along the way. 

In addition to being clear, Invisalign aligners are also removable. They conveniently snap in place when you put them in and are easy to take out for meals or for playing contact sports. As opposed to wearing braces, you don’t have to alter your diet in any way while you are on your way to your perfect smile with Invisalign

You’ll of course want to avoid staining foods while keeping up with regular cleaning to get your brightest smile at the end. In addition, you should regularly clean your aligners to avoid the growth of plaque or calcium buildup. Be sure to avoid drinking coffee, tea, or any hot beverage while wearing your aligners to avoid warping them. The only thing you should consume with your aligners on your teeth is cold water. You should also store them safely away from the Texas heat (such as a hot car) to keep their shape. 

To learn more about the great options for orthodontic treatment available for you, schedule your free consultation at Austin Orthodontics today!